Welcome to
Nurtured In Nature CIC
"In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect.
Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful."
Alice Walker

About us
We are dedicated to provide a therapeutic, non-judgmental environment using the natural setting,
to help Individual, groups and families to make positive changes and work towards employability,
good physical and mental health and contribute to the environment.
Nurtured in Nature Provides Care farming for a wide range of people with a wide range of needs and
all age ranges including Outdoor play therapy, Family Play Therapy, Individual Play Therapy, Filial Therapy,
Outdoor Family Therapy Outdoor Life Story therapy, Horticulture, and permaculture, Ecotherapy,
Rural skills development towards employability Outdoor education, Forest School, foraging for health,
Social education. Nature Therapy. As no child is an Island we specialise in therapeutic family work recognising that skilling up parents and carers enhances the parent child relationship and views the parents as experts on their children
Nurtured in Nature also provides high-quality courses internationally in Filial Therapy, Play Therapy,
Equine therapy, foraging with equines, and Animal Assisted Play Therapy
in a peaceful therapeutic space on our new site a 22 acre farm in rural North Northumberland. All profits from training are invested back into providing subsidised or free therapeutic services for a range of clients.
The directors have a proven history of success and partnership collaboration with other related services.
We are also going to offer in collaboration with partner agencies a range of training towards
college points and employability, We plan to develop further courses and collaborate with local colleges
and schools to provide recognised qualifications which count towards college and apprenticeship places.
Meet the Team
Tracie Faa Thompson
MA Crim, PG NDPT, Clin Hypno, Cert EAGALA, Cert IAAPT, Cert Filial Therapy Instructor.

Tracie is a specialist social worker in adoption working with traumatised children and their adoptive and foster families.
She is a British Association of Play Therapists-registered play therapist who uses a mix of individual play therapy, filial therapy, and group filial methods. Tracie is a practice teacher of social work students and a trainer in Life Story Work and Attachment Theory.
Hailing from a Scottish/Romany Traveller family, Tracie has grown up with a multitude of dogs and horses as integral to her native culture.
As a clinical hypnotherapist, Tracie incorporates Eye Movement Integration with Emotional Freedom Technique as an effective approach to trauma.
Tracie is a member of the Classical Riding Club, Natural Horse People and Animal Welfare and Behavior Forum. She is the Founder of Turn About Pegasus, an Equine Assisted Programme for at risk youth. Tracie is EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association) certified, dual approved as both mental health and horse specialist.
She is the founder and, for 20 years, the Chairman of the North Northumberland Riding for the Disabled Association Centre until its amalgamation with another purpose-built centre.
Tracie has a lifetime of experience of living and working with dogs and horses and over 30 years of working with vulnerable children and families. Tracie believes that patience and a focus on building relationships and partnerships are the key to healing.
She is the author of numerous peer-reviewed manuals, articles, book chapters and training programmes on attachment and resilience, life story work, sibling contact in adoption, introductions of adoptive families and children, EAL/EAP, and Animal Assisted Play Therapy.
Sheree Baxter
MSc Equine Science
BND Equestrian Management BSc Psychology

Sheree has an MA in Equine Science and worked for many years as a mental health specialist worker with the National Schizophrenia Society. She also has a BSc in Psychology.
With a wealth of experience in various fields, she has worked within multi-disciplinary teams, liaising with patients, carers, family members and professionals. She has worked with people who suffer from severe and enduring, mental health problems in groups and also one-one basis.
Sheree has a great deal of experience in helping with day to day problems and more long-term issues. This has included motivating and planning to improve their mental and physical health and encouraged them to follow more healthy eating.
Sheree is also skilled in mediation and able to remain the voice of calm in challenging difficult situations.
She is great at displaying empathy and understanding, while at the same time always retaining professional boundaries.
Sheree has worked alongside Tracie for many years and they are a dynamic, engaging team working within the community.
